Explain the concept of marketing strategies (MP:001)

Marketing strategies are plans of action designed to achieve marketing objectives. They involve researching the target market, setting objectives, developing tactics, and evaluating the results of the marketing efforts. A marketing strategy should be tailored to the unique needs of the business, taking into account the product or service being offered, the target market, and the competitive landscape. It should also consider the budget and resources available to the business. A successful marketing strategy should be able to generate leads, increase brand awareness, and ultimately drive sales.

Market Planning


Explain the concept of market and market identification (MP:003)

Market identification is the process of determining the size, scope, and characteristics of a target market. It involves analyzing the market environment, customer needs, and competitive landscape to identify potential opportunities and threats. Market identification is an important step in the marketing process, as it helps to inform decisions about product development, pricing, promotion, and distribution. Market identification also helps to identify potential customer segments, which can be used to develop more effective marketing strategies.

Market Planning


Explain the nature of marketing planning (MP:006)

Marketing planning is the process of creating a strategy to promote a product or service. It involves researching the target market, setting objectives, and developing a plan to reach those objectives. The plan should include a budget, timeline, and tactics for reaching the desired audience. It should also include an evaluation process to measure the success of the plan. The goal of marketing planning is to create a comprehensive plan that will help a business reach its goals.

Market Planning


Explain the nature of marketing plans (MP:007)

A marketing plan is a document that outlines the strategies and tactics a business will use to reach its marketing goals. It is a comprehensive document that outlines the target market, positioning, pricing, distribution, and promotional activities that will be used to reach the desired goals. The marketing plan also includes a timeline for implementation, budget, and performance metrics. It is important for businesses to have a well-defined marketing plan in order to ensure that their marketing efforts are effective and efficient.

Market Planning


Explain the role of situation analysis in the marketing planning process (MP:008)

Situation analysis is an important step in the marketing planning process. It involves gathering and analyzing data about the current market environment, the company's current position in the market, and the competitive landscape. This analysis helps to identify opportunities and threats, and to develop strategies to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate threats. It also helps to identify customer needs and preferences, and to develop marketing objectives and strategies to meet those needs. Situation analysis is essential for developing an effective marketing plan that will help the company achieve its goals.

Market Planning


Explain the nature of sales forecasts (MP:013)

Sales forecasts are predictions of future sales performance. They are used to help businesses plan for future growth and to anticipate changes in the market. Sales forecasts are based on past sales data, current market trends, and other factors. They can be used to help businesses make decisions about pricing, marketing, and other strategies. Sales forecasts can also be used to help businesses identify potential opportunities and risks.

Market Planning


Explain the nature and scope of the pricing function (PI:001)

The pricing function is responsible for setting prices for products and services. This includes determining the cost of goods and services, setting the price for each item, and monitoring the pricing of competitors. The scope of the pricing function is broad and includes analyzing market trends, understanding customer needs and preferences, and developing pricing strategies. The pricing function also involves monitoring the performance of pricing strategies and making adjustments as needed. The pricing function is an important part of any business, as it helps to ensure that the company is able to remain competitive and profitable.



Describe the role of business ethics in pricing (PI:015)

Business ethics play an important role in pricing. Companies must ensure that their pricing practices are fair and ethical, and that they are not taking advantage of customers. This means that prices should be based on the cost of production and the value of the product or service, rather than on what the market will bear. Companies should also be transparent about their pricing practices, so that customers can make informed decisions. Additionally, companies should not engage in price gouging or other unethical pricing practices. By adhering to ethical pricing practices, companies can ensure that their customers are treated fairly and that their pricing is fair and reasonable.



Explain the use of technology in the pricing function (PI:016)

The use of technology in the pricing function is to help businesses make informed decisions about pricing their products and services. Technology can be used to analyze market trends, customer preferences, and competitor pricing to help businesses determine the best pricing strategy for their products and services. Technology can also be used to automate the pricing process, allowing businesses to quickly adjust prices in response to changing market conditions. Additionally, technology can be used to track customer behavior and preferences, allowing businesses to tailor their pricing strategies to better meet customer needs.



Explain legal considerations for pricing (PI:017)

Legal considerations for pricing involve making sure that the prices charged for goods and services comply with applicable laws and regulations. This includes making sure that prices are not set too low to be considered predatory pricing, or too high to be considered price gouging. Additionally, businesses must ensure that their pricing practices do not violate any anti-trust laws, such as price fixing or bid rigging. Finally, businesses must also ensure that their pricing practices comply with any relevant consumer protection laws, such as those related to advertising and disclosure.



Identify the elements of the promotional mix (PR:003)

The promotional mix is a combination of marketing tools used to promote a product, service, or brand. It includes advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion, direct marketing, and social media. Each element of the promotional mix has its own unique purpose and can be used to reach different target audiences. Advertising is used to create awareness and interest in a product or service. Public relations is used to build relationships with key stakeholders and to create a positive image for the brand. Personal selling is used to build relationships with customers and to close sales. Sales promotion is used to increase sales and to encourage customers to purchase a product or service. Direct marketing is used to target specific customers and to generate leads. Social media is used to engage with customers and to build relationships.



Explain factors affecting pricing decisions (PI:002)

Pricing decisions are affected by a variety of factors, both internal and external. Internally, companies must consider their costs of production, overhead, and desired profit margin when setting prices. Externally, companies must consider the competitive landscape, customer demand, and the overall economic environment. Companies must also consider the impact of taxes, tariffs, and other government regulations when setting prices. Additionally, companies must consider the impact of pricing on their brand image and customer loyalty. Ultimately, pricing decisions must balance the company's desired profit margin with the customer's willingness to pay.



Explain the role of promotion as a marketing function (PR:001)

Promotion is an important marketing function that helps to create awareness and interest in a product or service. It involves communicating information about the product or service to potential customers through various channels such as advertising, public relations, direct marketing, and sales promotion. Promotion helps to create a positive image of the product or service, and can help to increase sales and market share. It is also used to inform customers about new products or services, and to remind them of existing ones. Promotion is an essential part of any marketing strategy, and can be used to reach a wide range of audiences.



Explain the types of promotion (i.e., institutional, product) (PR:002)

Promotion is a marketing tool used to increase awareness of a product, service, or brand. There are two main types of promotion: institutional and product. Institutional promotion is used to increase awareness of a company or organization, while product promotion is used to increase awareness of a specific product or service. Institutional promotion typically includes activities such as advertising, public relations, and sponsorships, while product promotion typically includes activities such as discounts, coupons, and special offers. Both types of promotion are important for businesses to reach their target audience and increase sales.



Describe the use of business ethics in promotion (PR:099)

Business ethics is the application of ethical principles to the practices of businesses and organizations. In the context of promotion, business ethics can be used to ensure that promotional activities are conducted in a manner that is consistent with the values and standards of the organization. This includes ensuring that promotional activities are conducted in a way that is honest, transparent, and respectful of the rights of customers, employees, and other stakeholders. Business ethics can also be used to ensure that promotional activities are conducted in a way that is consistent with the organization's mission and values.



Describe the use of technology in the promotion function (PR:100)

Technology has become an integral part of the promotion function in public relations. Technology can be used to create and distribute content, manage relationships with stakeholders, and measure the success of campaigns. Content creation tools such as video editing software, graphic design software, and social media management tools can be used to create and distribute content to target audiences. Technology can also be used to manage relationships with stakeholders, such as through email marketing, customer relationship management (CRM) software, and social media monitoring tools. Finally, technology can be used to measure the success of campaigns, such as through analytics tools, A/B testing, and sentiment analysis. Technology has become an essential part of the promotion function in public relations, and its use is only increasing.



Describe the regulation of promotion (PR:101)

The regulation of promotion in marketing is overseen by various regulatory bodies, including the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States. The FTC is responsible for enforcing laws related to advertising and marketing practices, such as the Federal Trade Commission Act, which prohibits unfair or deceptive advertising. Other laws and regulations that impact promotion in marketing include the Lanham Act, which regulates false advertising and unfair competition, and industry-specific laws such as the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA), which regulates advertising to children. Advertisers are required to ensure that their advertising is truthful, accurate, and not misleading, and must disclose any material information that may affect consumers' purchasing decisions. Failure to comply with these regulations can result in fines, legal action, and damage to a brand's reputation.



Explain types of advertising media (PR:007)

Advertising media refers to the various forms of communication used to deliver promotional messages to target audiences. These forms of media can include television, radio, print, digital, outdoor, and direct mail. Each type of media has its own advantages and disadvantages, and can be used to reach different types of audiences. Television and radio are great for reaching large audiences quickly, while print and digital media are better for targeting specific audiences. Outdoor advertising is great for creating awareness, while direct mail is great for targeting specific individuals.



Describe word-of-mouth channels used to communicate with targeted audiences (PR:247)

Word-of-mouth channels are a type of public relations tool used to communicate with targeted audiences. This type of communication involves using existing relationships and networks to spread a message or idea. Word-of-mouth channels can include conversations between friends and family, online reviews, social media posts, and other forms of informal communication. These channels are effective because they are more personal and can reach a larger audience than traditional advertising. Word-of-mouth channels are also cost-effective and can be used to build trust and credibility with potential customers.



Explain the nature of direct marketing channels (PR:089)

Direct marketing channels are a type of marketing strategy that involves communicating directly with potential customers. This can include email, text messages, direct mail, and other forms of digital communication. Direct marketing channels allow companies to target specific audiences and tailor their message to them. This type of marketing is often used to generate leads, build relationships, and increase sales. Direct marketing channels are an effective way to reach customers and build brand loyalty.



Identify communications channels used in sales promotion (PR:249)

Sales promotion is a marketing strategy used to increase sales and encourage customer loyalty. It typically involves offering discounts, coupons, or other incentives to customers. Communications channels used in sales promotion include print media (newspapers, magazines, flyers, etc.), broadcast media (television, radio, etc.), digital media (websites, social media, email, etc.), and direct mail. Each of these channels can be used to reach potential customers and inform them about the promotion.



Explain communications channels used in public-relations activities (PR:250)

Communications channels are the methods used to deliver messages to the public in public-relations activities. These channels can include traditional media such as print, radio, and television, as well as digital media such as websites, social media, and email. Each channel has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the best channel to use depends on the message and the target audience. For example, print media is great for reaching a wide audience, but it is not as effective for reaching a younger demographic. Social media, on the other hand, is great for targeting a younger audience, but it is not as effective for reaching a wide audience. It is important to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each channel when deciding which one to use for a particular public-relations activity.



Explain the components of advertisements (PR:014)

Advertising is a form of communication used to persuade an audience to take some action, usually with respect to a commercial offering, such as an item or service. The components of an advertisement include the headline, visuals, copy, and call-to-action. The headline is the first thing a viewer will see and should be attention-grabbing and concise. Visuals are important to draw the viewer in and can include images, videos, and graphics. Copy is the written content of the advertisement and should be clear and concise. Finally, the call-to-action is the desired action the viewer should take after viewing the advertisement, such as clicking a link or making a purchase.



Explain the importance of coordinating elements in advertisements (PR:251)

Coordinating elements in advertisements is essential for creating a cohesive and effective message. By coordinating elements, advertisers are able to create a unified look and feel that will help to draw the viewer's attention and create a lasting impression. This includes things like the use of consistent fonts, colors, and imagery throughout the advertisement. By coordinating these elements, advertisers are able to create a unified message that will be more memorable and effective. Additionally, coordinating elements can help to create a sense of brand recognition and trust, as viewers will be able to recognize the advertisement as belonging to a particular brand.



Identify types of public-relations activities (PR:252)

Public relations activities are activities that are used to create and maintain a positive public image for an organization. These activities can include media relations, crisis management, event planning, social media management, and more. Each type of activity has its own purpose and can be used to reach different audiences. Media relations involve creating relationships with journalists and other media outlets to get positive press coverage. Crisis management involves responding to negative press or events in a timely and effective manner. Event planning involves organizing events to promote the organization and its products or services. Social media management involves creating and managing content on social media platforms to reach a wider audience.



Discuss internal and external audiences for public-relations activities (PR:253)

Public relations activities involve communicating with both internal and external audiences. Internal audiences are those within the organization, such as employees, management, and shareholders. External audiences are those outside the organization, such as customers, media, and the general public. It is important to understand the needs and interests of both internal and external audiences when developing public relations activities. Internal audiences need to be informed about the organization’s activities, goals, and objectives, while external audiences need to be informed about the organization’s products and services. Public relations activities should be tailored to meet the needs of both internal and external audiences in order to be effective.



Explain the nature and scope of the selling function (SE:017)

The selling function is a critical part of any business. It involves the process of identifying customer needs, developing and presenting solutions to meet those needs, and closing the sale. The nature of the selling function is to create value for customers by providing them with products and services that meet their needs. The scope of the selling function includes activities such as market research, customer segmentation, product development, pricing, promotion, sales force management, and customer service. The selling function is essential for any business to succeed and grow. It is the key to creating and maintaining customer relationships, generating revenue, and increasing profits.



Explain the role of customer service as a component of selling relationships (SE:076)

Customer service is an essential component of selling relationships because it helps to build trust and loyalty between the customer and the seller. Customer service involves providing helpful and timely assistance to customers, responding to customer inquiries, and resolving customer complaints. It also involves providing customers with information about products and services, as well as helping them to make informed decisions. Customer service is important because it helps to create a positive customer experience, which can lead to increased sales and customer loyalty. By providing excellent customer service, sellers can build strong relationships with their customers, which can result in repeat business and referrals.



Explain key factors in building a clientele (SE:828)

Building a clientele is an important part of any business. Key factors in building a clientele include providing excellent customer service, developing relationships with customers, offering competitive pricing, and utilizing effective marketing strategies. Excellent customer service is essential for building a clientele. Customers should be treated with respect and their needs should be addressed in a timely manner. Developing relationships with customers is also important. This can be done by getting to know customers on a personal level and providing them with personalized service. Offering competitive pricing is also important for building a clientele. Customers are more likely to return to a business if they feel they are getting a good value for their money. Utilizing effective marketing strategies is also important. This includes using social media, email campaigns, and other forms of advertising to reach potential customers. By following these key factors, businesses can build a loyal clientele that will help them succeed.



Explain company selling policies (SE:932)

Company selling policies refer to the guidelines and regulations that a company must adhere to when selling its products or services. These policies are designed to ensure that the company is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as to protect the company's reputation and interests. Examples of company selling policies include pricing policies, customer service policies, return policies, and payment policies. These policies are typically outlined in the company's terms and conditions or in a separate document.



Explain legal and ethical considerations in selling (SE:106)

Legal and ethical considerations in selling refer to the laws and regulations that must be followed when selling a product or service. This includes laws related to consumer protection, advertising, pricing, and other aspects of the sale. Additionally, ethical considerations involve making sure that the seller is honest and transparent with the customer, and that the customer is treated fairly and with respect. It is important to ensure that all legal and ethical considerations are taken into account when selling, as failure to do so can lead to legal and financial consequences.



Describe the use of technology in the selling function (SE:107)

The use of technology in the selling function is an important part of modern business. Technology can be used to streamline the sales process, making it easier and faster for salespeople to reach potential customers, track leads, and close deals. Technology can also be used to automate certain tasks, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software, which can help salespeople manage customer data and track sales performance. Additionally, technology can be used to create more personalized customer experiences, such as using AI-powered chatbots to provide customer service or using analytics to better understand customer behavior. Technology can also be used to create more efficient sales processes, such as using automated marketing campaigns to reach potential customers or using data-driven insights to inform sales strategies. Ultimately, the use of technology in the selling function can help salespeople be more effective and efficient in their roles.



Acquire product information for use in selling (SE:062)

Acquiring product information for use in selling involves researching and gathering data about a product or service in order to better understand its features, benefits, and potential customer needs. This information can then be used to create effective sales pitches and strategies to help close deals. It can also be used to create marketing materials and campaigns to help promote the product or service.



Analyze product information to identify product features and benefits (SE:109)

Product analysis is the process of examining a product in order to identify its features and benefits. This involves looking at the product's design, materials, construction, and performance in order to determine how it can be used and what advantages it offers. By analyzing product information, businesses can better understand the product's capabilities and how it can be used to meet customer needs. This information can then be used to create marketing materials and strategies that highlight the product's features and benefits.



Discuss motivational theories that impact buying behavior (SE:359)

Motivational theories are used to explain why people make certain decisions, including buying decisions. These theories focus on the psychological and emotional factors that influence a person's behavior. They can help marketers better understand their target audience and create effective marketing campaigns. Some of the most common motivational theories that impact buying behavior include Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, the Theory of Planned Behavior, and the Theory of Reasoned Action. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs suggests that people are motivated to satisfy their basic needs before they can move on to higher-level needs. The Theory of Planned Behavior suggests that people are more likely to act on their intentions if they have a plan in place. Finally, the Theory of Reasoned Action suggests that people are more likely to act if they believe their actions will lead to a desired outcome. By understanding these theories, marketers can create campaigns that are tailored to their target audience and more likely to result in a purchase.



Explain the selling process (SE:048)

The selling process is the process of selling a product or service to a customer. It involves identifying customer needs, researching and selecting the best product or service to meet those needs, and then presenting the product or service to the customer in a way that will convince them to purchase it. The process also includes negotiating a price, closing the sale, and providing customer service after the sale. The selling process is an important part of any business and requires knowledge of the product or service being sold, customer service skills, and sales techniques.



Explain the nature of contract exclusivity (BL:050)

Contract exclusivity is an agreement between two parties that one party will not enter into a similar agreement with any other party. This means that the party who has exclusive rights to the contract will be the only one to benefit from the agreement. This type of agreement is often used in business deals, such as when a company has exclusive rights to a product or service. It can also be used in personal relationships, such as when one person has exclusive rights to another person's time and attention.

Business Law


Explain regulations impacting digital marketing (BL:138)

Regulations impacting digital marketing refer to the laws and guidelines that govern how businesses can advertise and market their products and services online. These regulations are designed to protect consumers from deceptive or misleading advertising, as well as to ensure that businesses are not engaging in unfair or anti-competitive practices. Examples of regulations impacting digital marketing include the Federal Trade Commission's Endorsement Guides, the CAN-SPAM Act, and the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act. These regulations are important to ensure that digital marketing is conducted in a responsible and ethical manner.

Business Law


Make client presentations (includes strategies and research findings) (CO:174)

Client presentations are an important part of the marketing process. They involve presenting strategies and research findings to a client in order to help them make informed decisions about their marketing efforts. The presentation should include an overview of the research findings, an explanation of the strategies that have been developed, and a discussion of how the strategies can be implemented. It is important to be organized and professional when presenting to a client, as this will help to ensure that the client understands the information and is able to make an informed decision.

Communication Skil...


Prepare contact reports (CO:175)

Preparing contact reports involves documenting all contact made with customers, vendors, and other stakeholders. This includes recording the date, time, and purpose of the contact, as well as any relevant information discussed. Contact reports should be organized and stored in a secure location for future reference.

Communication Skil...


Maintain day-to-day content on social platforms (CO:193)

Maintaining day-to-day content on social platforms involves regularly posting content to social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms. This content can include posts, images, videos, and other media that is relevant to the brand or organization. It is important to keep the content fresh and engaging in order to keep followers interested and engaged. Additionally, it is important to monitor the comments and feedback from followers in order to respond to any questions or concerns.

Communication Skil...


Write white papers (CO:178)

A white paper is a document that provides an in-depth analysis of a particular topic or issue. It is typically used by businesses, governments, and other organizations to explain their position on a particular issue or to provide detailed information on a specific topic. White papers are often used to provide an overview of a particular issue, to explain a solution to a problem, or to provide an analysis of a particular topic. They are also used to provide background information on a particular issue or to provide a detailed description of a particular product or service. White papers are typically written in a formal, academic style and are often used to influence public opinion or to persuade decision makers.

Communication Skil...


Write pitch/sales letters (CO:179)

A pitch/sales letter is a type of written communication used to persuade a potential customer to purchase a product or service. It is typically written in a persuasive tone and includes information about the product or service, its benefits, and how it can help the customer. The letter should also include a call to action, such as a discount or special offer, to encourage the customer to make a purchase.

Communication Skil...


Write new-business pitches (CO:177)

A new-business pitch is a presentation that outlines the potential of a new business venture. It is typically used to convince potential investors or partners of the value of the business idea. The pitch should include a description of the business concept, a market analysis, a financial plan, and a timeline for implementation. It should also include a clear explanation of how the business will generate revenue and a strategy for growth.

Communication Skil...


Apply ethics to digital communications (EI:073)

Applying ethics to digital communications means considering the ethical implications of the messages we send and receive online. This includes considering the impact of our words on others, as well as the potential for our messages to be misconstrued or misinterpreted. It also means being mindful of the potential for our digital communications to be shared with unintended audiences, and the potential for our messages to be used in ways that we did not intend. Additionally, it means being aware of the potential for digital communications to be used to spread misinformation or to manipulate public opinion. Ultimately, applying ethics to digital communications means being mindful of the potential consequences of our words and actions online.

Emotional Intellig...


Gain commitment from client (EI:068)

Gaining commitment from client involves establishing a clear understanding of the client's needs and expectations, and then working together to create a plan that meets those needs and expectations. This plan should include a timeline, budget, and any other relevant details. Once the plan is agreed upon, both parties should sign a contract that outlines the terms of the agreement and the client's commitment to the project. This will ensure that both parties are held accountable for their respective roles and responsibilities.

Emotional Intellig...


Maintain composure when receiving/delivering bad news (EI:069)

Maintaining composure when receiving or delivering bad news is an important part of emotional intelligence. It is important to remain calm and collected when faced with difficult news, as it can help to create a more positive atmosphere and help to manage the emotions of those involved. It is also important to be mindful of the language used when delivering bad news, as it can have a significant impact on how it is received. Taking the time to listen to the other person's perspective and responding with empathy can help to create a more understanding and supportive environment.

Emotional Intellig...


Foster client-agency relationship (EI:067)

Foster client-agency relationship refers to the process of building a strong and trusting relationship between a client and an agency. This relationship is based on mutual respect, open communication, and a shared understanding of the client's needs and goals. The agency should strive to provide the client with the best possible service and advice, while the client should be willing to provide honest feedback and be open to the agency's suggestions. By fostering a strong client-agency relationship, both parties can work together to achieve the desired results.

Emotional Intellig...


Build rapport with suppliers (EI:065)

Building rapport with suppliers is the process of developing a strong and trusting relationship with your suppliers. This involves communicating regularly, being transparent about your needs and expectations, and providing feedback on their performance. It also involves understanding their business and their needs, and working together to find solutions that benefit both parties. By building rapport, you can create a mutually beneficial relationship that will help ensure the success of your business.

Emotional Intellig...


Verify accuracy of bills (FI:327)

Verifying the accuracy of bills means to check that the bills are correct and accurate. This includes making sure that the amounts charged are correct, that the items listed are correct, and that the billing information is accurate. This process is important to ensure that customers are not overcharged or billed for items they did not purchase.

Financial Analysis
