Explain types of unit inventory-control systems (OP:414)

Unit inventory-control systems are methods used to track and manage the inventory of a business. These systems help businesses keep track of the quantity, location, and condition of their inventory. There are three main types of unit inventory-control systems: manual, automated, and hybrid. Manual systems involve tracking inventory by hand, using paper records and physical counts. This type of system is often used by small businesses that don’t have the resources to invest in more sophisticated systems. Automated systems use computers and software to track inventory. This type of system is often used by larger businesses that have the resources to invest in more sophisticated systems. Automated systems can provide more accurate and up-to-date information than manual systems. Hybrid systems combine manual and automated systems. This type of system is often used by businesses that want to take advantage of the accuracy of automated systems but don’t have the resources to invest in them. Hybrid systems can provide more accurate and up-to-date information than manual systems, but not as much as automated systems.



Determine inventory shrinkage (OP:415)

Inventory shrinkage is the difference between the amount of inventory a business has on hand and the amount of inventory that is recorded in the accounting records. To determine inventory shrinkage, a business must compare the physical inventory count to the amount of inventory that is recorded in the accounting records. If the physical inventory count is lower than the amount of inventory recorded in the accounting records, then the difference is the inventory shrinkage.



Maintain inventory-control systems (OP:416)

Maintaining inventory-control systems is the process of tracking and managing the inventory of a business. This includes tracking the quantity of items in stock, the location of the items, and the cost of the items. It also involves monitoring the movement of items in and out of the inventory, as well as the cost of the items. This helps businesses to ensure that they have the right amount of inventory on hand to meet customer demand. Additionally, it helps businesses to identify any potential issues with their inventory, such as overstocking or understocking, and to take corrective action.



Explain the need for professional and ethical standards in marketing (PD:137)

Professional and ethical standards in marketing are essential for creating trust between businesses and their customers. Without these standards, businesses may be tempted to use deceptive or manipulative tactics to increase sales, which can lead to a lack of trust and a negative reputation. Professional and ethical standards ensure that businesses are honest and transparent in their marketing practices, which helps to build customer loyalty and trust. Additionally, professional and ethical standards help to protect customers from being taken advantage of, as businesses must adhere to certain rules and regulations when it comes to marketing. Finally, professional and ethical standards help to ensure that businesses are held accountable for their actions, which helps to create a level playing field for all businesses.

Professional Devel...


Explain employment opportunities in marketing (PD:024)

Employment opportunities in marketing are vast and varied. Marketing professionals can work in a variety of industries, from consumer goods to technology, and in a variety of roles, from creative to analytical. Marketing professionals are responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies to promote products and services, increase brand awareness, and drive sales. They may also be responsible for creating and managing digital campaigns, conducting market research, and analyzing data to inform marketing decisions. With the rise of digital marketing, there are also many opportunities to work in social media, content marketing, and search engine optimization.

Professional Devel...


Explain the nature and scope of the product/service management function (PM:001)

Product/Service Management is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a product or service, from its conception to its eventual retirement. This includes the development of the product or service, its marketing, its sales, its delivery, and its support. It also involves the management of the product or service's resources, such as its budget, its personnel, and its technology. The scope of Product/Service Management is broad and encompasses all aspects of the product or service, from its design and development to its delivery and support. It is a critical function for any organization that wants to ensure the success of its products and services.

Product/Service Ma...


Identify the impact of product life cycles on marketing decisions (PM:024)

Product life cycles have a significant impact on marketing decisions. As products move through their life cycle, from introduction to maturity to decline, the marketing strategies used to promote them must also change. During the introduction phase, companies must focus on creating awareness and generating demand for the product. During the maturity phase, companies must focus on increasing market share and maintaining customer loyalty. Finally, during the decline phase, companies must focus on reducing costs and maximizing profits. By understanding the product life cycle, companies can make informed marketing decisions that will help them maximize their profits and achieve their goals.

Product/Service Ma...


Describe the use of technology in the product/service management function (PM:039)

Technology plays an important role in product/service management. Technology can be used to automate processes, streamline communication, and provide data-driven insights to help inform decisions. Technology can also be used to track customer feedback and preferences, monitor customer satisfaction, and analyze customer behavior. Additionally, technology can be used to develop and manage product roadmaps, track progress, and ensure that products and services are meeting customer needs. Technology can also be used to monitor and analyze competitor activities, identify trends, and develop strategies to stay ahead of the competition.

Product/Service Ma...


Explain business ethics in product/service management (PM:040)

Business ethics in product/service management is the practice of making sure that products and services are produced and delivered in a way that is ethical and responsible. This includes ensuring that the products and services are safe, of good quality, and meet customer expectations. It also means that the production and delivery of products and services should be done in a way that is respectful of the environment, employees, and other stakeholders. Business ethics in product/service management also involves making sure that the company is transparent and accountable in its operations, and that it follows laws and regulations.

Product/Service Ma...


Identify product opportunities (PM:134)

Product opportunities refer to the potential for a company to create and market a new product or service. This could include developing a new product or service from scratch, or improving an existing product or service. Identifying product opportunities involves researching the market, understanding customer needs, and analyzing competitors. Companies can use this information to identify gaps in the market and develop products or services to fill those gaps. This process can help companies create products or services that are attractive to customers and profitable for the company.

Product/Service Ma...


Identify methods/techniques to generate a product idea (PM:127)

There are several methods and techniques that can be used to generate product ideas. Brainstorming is a popular technique that involves a group of people coming together to generate ideas. Brainstorming can be done in person or virtually. Another technique is to look at existing products and identify ways to improve them. Additionally, market research can be used to identify customer needs and wants that can be addressed with a new product. Finally, trend analysis can be used to identify emerging trends that could be used to create a new product.

Product/Service Ma...


Generate product ideas (PM:128)

Generating product ideas is the process of coming up with new and innovative products that can be developed and sold. This process involves researching the market, understanding customer needs, and brainstorming ideas. It is important to consider the potential of the product, its feasibility, and the resources needed to bring it to market. Once a product idea is generated, it can be further developed and tested to ensure its success.

Product/Service Ma...


Describe the uses of grades and standards in marketing (PM:019)

Grades and standards are used in marketing to ensure that products meet certain quality requirements. Grades are used to classify products according to their quality, while standards are used to measure the performance of products against a set of criteria. Grades and standards help to ensure that products are safe and reliable, and that they meet the expectations of customers. They also help to differentiate products from competitors, and to ensure that products are priced appropriately.

Product/Service Ma...


Explain warranties and guarantees (PM:020)

A warranty is a promise from a manufacturer or seller that a product will meet certain standards of quality and performance. It is a legally binding agreement that provides the consumer with certain rights and remedies if the product fails to meet the standards set out in the warranty. A guarantee is a promise from a manufacturer or seller that a product will meet certain standards of quality and performance, but it is not legally binding. It is a voluntary promise made by the manufacturer or seller to the consumer that the product will meet the standards set out in the guarantee.

Product/Service Ma...


Identify consumer protection provisions of appropriate agencies (PM:017)

Consumer protection provisions are laws and regulations that are designed to protect consumers from unfair or deceptive business practices. These provisions are enforced by various government agencies, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and state attorneys general. These agencies have the authority to investigate and take action against businesses that violate consumer protection laws. They can also provide resources and assistance to consumers who have been harmed by deceptive or unfair business practices.

Product/Service Ma...


Explain the concept of product mix (PM:003)

Product mix is the combination of products and services that a company offers to its customers. It is an important part of a company's overall marketing strategy and can include a variety of products and services that are tailored to meet the needs of different customer segments. Product mix can include items such as physical products, services, digital products, and even intangible products such as warranties and guarantees. The product mix can also be used to differentiate a company from its competitors by offering unique products and services that are not available elsewhere.

Product/Service Ma...


Describe the nature of product bundling (PM:041)

Product bundling is a marketing strategy that involves combining multiple products or services into a single package and selling them as a single unit. This strategy is used to increase sales, reduce costs, and create customer loyalty. Product bundling can be used to create a package of related products, such as a computer and printer, or a package of unrelated products, such as a car and a vacation package. Product bundling can also be used to create a package of services, such as a web hosting package. Product bundling can be used to create a package of products and services, such as a car and a car insurance package. Product bundling can also be used to create a package of products and services that are offered at a discounted rate.

Product/Service Ma...


Explain the nature of corporate branding (PM:206)

Corporate branding is the practice of using a company's name, logo, and other visual elements to create a recognizable identity for the company. It is a way for companies to differentiate themselves from their competitors and create a unique and recognizable presence in the marketplace. Corporate branding is important because it helps to create a positive image of the company and its products or services, and it can help to build customer loyalty. It also helps to create a unified message across all of the company's marketing efforts, which can help to increase brand awareness and recognition.

Product/Service Ma...


Describe factors used by businesses to position corporate brands (PM:207)

Businesses use a variety of factors to position their corporate brands. These factors include the company's mission and values, its products and services, its pricing strategy, its customer service, its marketing and advertising campaigns, its public relations efforts, its corporate culture, and its reputation in the marketplace. All of these factors help to create an image of the company and its brand in the minds of customers and potential customers. By positioning their corporate brands in a positive light, businesses can create a strong and lasting impression that will help to attract and retain customers.

Product/Service Ma...


Identify customer touch points (PM:277)

Customer touch points are the points of contact between a customer and a company. These points of contact can include physical locations, websites, phone calls, emails, social media, and more. They are important for companies to identify in order to understand how customers interact with their brand and to ensure that they are providing a positive customer experience.

Product/Service Ma...


Describe factors used by marketers to position products/services (PM:042)

Marketers use a variety of factors to position products and services in the marketplace. These factors include pricing, product features, target audience, distribution channels, and promotional activities. Pricing is used to differentiate products and services from competitors, while product features are used to highlight the unique benefits of the product or service. Target audience is used to identify the ideal customer for the product or service, while distribution channels are used to ensure the product or service is available to the target audience. Finally, promotional activities are used to create awareness and interest in the product or service.

Product/Service Ma...


Explain the nature of product/service branding (PM:021)

Product/service branding is the process of creating a unique identity for a product or service that sets it apart from its competitors. It involves creating a recognizable name, logo, slogan, and other elements that help customers identify and remember the product or service. Branding is important because it helps customers differentiate between products and services, and it can also help build customer loyalty and trust. Branding also helps to create a positive image for the product or service, which can help to increase sales.

Product/Service Ma...


Describe the role of customer voice in branding (PM:276)

The role of customer voice in branding is to provide feedback and insights that can be used to shape and inform the brand. Customer voice can be gathered through surveys, interviews, focus groups, and other forms of customer feedback. This feedback can be used to identify customer needs and preferences, as well as to inform the brand's messaging, positioning, and overall strategy. By understanding customer needs and preferences, brands can create more effective and engaging campaigns that resonate with their target audience.

Product/Service Ma...


Explain the nature and scope of channel management (CM:001)

Channel management is the process of managing the relationships between a company and its distribution channels. This includes managing the relationships between the company and its distributors, retailers, and other partners. The scope of channel management includes understanding the needs of each channel partner, developing strategies to meet those needs, and ensuring that the company's products and services are available to the right customers in the right places. It also involves monitoring and evaluating the performance of each channel partner and making adjustments as needed. Channel management is an important part of any company's overall marketing strategy and can help to ensure that the company's products and services are reaching the right customers.

Channel Management


Explain the nature of channels of distribution (CM:003)

Channels of distribution are the pathways through which goods and services travel from the producer to the consumer. They are the means by which a product or service is made available to the customer. Channels of distribution can include wholesalers, retailers, distributors, and even online marketplaces. Each channel has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of channel will depend on the product or service being sold. The nature of channels of distribution is to provide a way for producers to reach their target customers and to ensure that the product or service is delivered in a timely and cost-effective manner.

Channel Management


Describe the use of technology in the channel management function (CM:004)

The use of technology in the channel management function is to facilitate the efficient and effective management of the channels through which a company distributes its products and services. Technology can be used to automate and streamline the process of managing channels, such as setting up and managing relationships with distributors, tracking sales and inventory, and monitoring customer feedback. Technology can also be used to provide insights into customer preferences and behaviors, enabling companies to better understand their target markets and tailor their channel strategies accordingly. Additionally, technology can be used to facilitate communication between channel partners, enabling them to collaborate more effectively and efficiently.

Channel Management


Explain legal considerations in channel management (CM:005)

Legal considerations in channel management refer to the laws and regulations that must be followed when managing a channel. This includes understanding the legal implications of any contracts, agreements, or other documents related to the channel, as well as any applicable laws or regulations that may affect the channel. Additionally, it is important to consider any potential liabilities that may arise from the channel, such as copyright infringement or privacy violations. It is also important to ensure that any content posted on the channel is compliant with applicable laws and regulations. Finally, it is important to ensure that any data collected from the channel is handled in accordance with applicable data protection laws.

Channel Management


Describe ethical considerations in channel management (CM:006)

Ethical considerations in channel management refer to the moral principles and standards that guide the decisions and actions of channel managers. These considerations include respecting the rights of customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders; ensuring fair and transparent pricing; and avoiding conflicts of interest. Additionally, channel managers should strive to ensure that their channels are compliant with applicable laws and regulations, and that their activities do not harm the environment or society. Finally, channel managers should strive to maintain a high level of integrity and trustworthiness in their dealings with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.

Channel Management


Coordinate channel management with other marketing activities (CM:007)

Coordinate channel management with other marketing activities means that businesses should ensure that their channel management strategies are in line with their other marketing activities. This includes making sure that the channels used to reach customers are consistent with the overall marketing strategy, and that the channels are used to their fullest potential. Additionally, businesses should ensure that their channel management strategies are in sync with their other marketing activities, such as advertising, promotions, and public relations. By coordinating channel management with other marketing activities, businesses can maximize their reach and ensure that their message is consistent across all channels.

Channel Management


Explain the nature of channel-member relationships (CM:008)

Channel-member relationships refer to the interactions between a company and its distribution channel members. These relationships involve the exchange of goods and services, as well as the sharing of information and resources. The nature of these relationships is based on mutual trust and respect, as well as a shared understanding of the goals and objectives of each party. Companies must ensure that their channel members are adequately compensated for their efforts, and that they are provided with the necessary resources to be successful. In addition, companies must ensure that their channel members are aware of any changes in the market or in the company’s strategies, so that they can adjust their strategies accordingly.

Channel Management


Explain the nature of affinity partner relationships (CM:021)

Affinity partner relationships are relationships between two organizations that have a shared interest in a particular cause, product, or service. These relationships are often formed to increase the reach and impact of both organizations. They are mutually beneficial, as each partner can leverage the other's resources and expertise to further their own goals. Affinity partners may collaborate on marketing campaigns, share resources, and provide support for each other's initiatives. The relationship is typically based on trust and respect, and both partners must be committed to the success of the partnership.

Channel Management


Describe the need for marketing data (IM:012)

Marketing data is essential for businesses to understand their target audience, track the success of their campaigns, and optimize their marketing strategies. By collecting and analyzing data, businesses can gain valuable insights into their customers' needs, preferences, and behaviors. This data can then be used to create more effective marketing campaigns, target the right customers, and increase sales. Additionally, marketing data can help businesses identify trends and opportunities in the market, allowing them to stay ahead of the competition.



Identify data monitored for marketing decision making (IM:184)

Data monitored for marketing decision making includes customer demographics, customer preferences, customer buying habits, customer feedback, market trends, competitor analysis, and website analytics. This data helps marketers understand their target audience and make informed decisions about their marketing strategies. It also helps them measure the effectiveness of their campaigns and adjust their strategies accordingly.



Explain the nature and scope of the marketing-information management function (IM:001)

The marketing-information management function is responsible for collecting, analyzing, and disseminating information about a company's products, services, and customers. This information is used to inform marketing decisions and strategies, and to help the company better understand its target market and how to best reach them. The scope of this function includes gathering data from both internal and external sources, such as customer surveys, market research, and competitor analysis. It also involves analyzing the data to identify trends and insights, and then using this information to develop marketing plans and strategies. Finally, the function is responsible for disseminating the information to the appropriate stakeholders, such as marketing teams, sales teams, and other departments.



Explain the role of ethics in marketing-information management (IM:025)

Ethics in marketing-information management is an important concept that helps ensure that companies are making decisions that are in line with their values and beliefs. It is important for companies to be aware of the ethical implications of their marketing decisions and to ensure that they are making decisions that are in the best interest of their customers, employees, and stakeholders. Ethics in marketing-information management helps to ensure that companies are not engaging in deceptive or manipulative practices, such as false advertising or data manipulation. It also helps to ensure that companies are not taking advantage of vulnerable populations or exploiting their customers. Ultimately, ethical marketing-information management helps to ensure that companies are making decisions that are in the best interest of all involved.



Describe the use of technology in the marketing-information management function (IM:183)

Technology is an essential tool in the marketing-information management function. Technology can be used to collect, store, analyze, and report on data related to customer preferences, market trends, and competitor activities. This data can then be used to inform marketing decisions, such as product development, pricing, and promotional strategies. Technology can also be used to automate marketing processes, such as email campaigns, social media posts, and website updates. Finally, technology can be used to measure the effectiveness of marketing efforts, allowing marketers to adjust their strategies accordingly.



Describe the regulation of marketing-information management (IM:419)

Marketing-information management is the process of collecting, analyzing, and using data to inform marketing decisions. It involves gathering data from a variety of sources, such as customer surveys, market research, and competitor analysis, and then using that data to develop strategies and tactics that will help a business reach its marketing goals. also involves monitoring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and making adjustments as needed. The goal of is to ensure that marketing efforts are as effective and efficient as possible.



Explain the nature of marketing research (IM:010)

Marketing research is the process of gathering, analyzing, and interpreting data about a product, service, or market. It is used to identify customer needs and preferences, develop new products and services, and measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. Market research can be conducted through surveys, focus groups, interviews, and other methods. The goal of marketing research is to provide businesses with the information they need to make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.



Discuss the nature of marketing research problems/issues (IM:282)

Marketing research problems/issues refer to the challenges that marketers face when attempting to understand their target market and develop effective marketing strategies. These issues can range from understanding customer needs and preferences, to identifying the most effective channels for reaching potential customers, to measuring the success of marketing campaigns. By understanding the nature of marketing research problems/issues, marketers can develop strategies to address them and ensure that their marketing efforts are successful.



Describe methods used to design marketing research studies (i.e., descriptive, exploratory, and causal) (IM:284)

Marketing research studies can be designed using various methods, including descriptive, exploratory, and causal research. Descriptive research is used to describe and summarize market characteristics, while exploratory research is used to gain insights and understanding of consumer behaviors. Causal research investigates cause-and-effect relationships between variables. The appropriate research method depends on the research objectives and the type of information needed. Each method has its own strengths and weaknesses, and combining different methods can provide a more comprehensive understanding of the market and consumer behaviors. Ultimately, selecting the appropriate research method is critical to the success of any marketing research study.



Describe options businesses use to obtain marketing research data (i.e., primary and secondaryresearch) (IM:281)

Businesses use primary and secondary research to obtain marketing research data. Primary research is data that is collected directly from the target audience, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and experiments. Secondary research is data that is already available, such as industry reports, government data, and published research. Both primary and secondary research can provide valuable insights into customer needs, preferences, and behaviors, which can help businesses make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.



Discuss the nature of sampling plans (i.e., who, how many, how chosen) (IM:285)

A sampling plan is a strategy used to determine which items or individuals to include in a sample. It outlines who will be included in the sample, how many people or items will be included, and how they will be chosen. The selection of the sample should be done in a way that is representative of the population being studied. For example, if the population is a group of people, the sample should be chosen randomly to ensure that it is representative of the population. The size of the sample should also be large enough to provide reliable results.



Describe data-collection methods (e.g., observations, mail, diaries, telephone, Internet, discussion groups, interviews, scanners, tracking tools) (IM:289)

Data-collection methods refer to the various techniques used to gather information or data. There are several methods available, including observations, mail surveys, diaries, telephone surveys, online surveys, discussion groups, interviews, scanners, and tracking tools. Each method has its strengths and weaknesses, and researchers must choose the appropriate method based on the type of data they are collecting and the goals of their study. Some methods, such as interviews and focus groups, allow for in-depth exploration of complex topics, while others, such as online surveys, allow for the collection of large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. Ultimately, the choice of data-collection method will depend on the research questions being asked and the resources available.



Explain characteristics of effective data-collection instruments (IM:418)

Effective data-collection instruments are those that are designed to accurately and reliably measure the data that is being collected. They should be easy to use and understand, and should be able to capture the data in a way that is meaningful and useful. The instrument should also be able to capture data from a variety of sources, including surveys, interviews, focus groups, and other methods. Additionally, the instrument should be able to capture data in a way that is consistent and repeatable, so that the results can be compared and analyzed. Finally, the instrument should be able to capture data in a way that is secure and confidential, so that the data is protected and not misused.



Explain techniques for processing marketing data (IM:062)

Processing marketing data involves collecting, organizing, and analyzing data to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences. Techniques for processing marketing data include data mining, which involves using algorithms to identify patterns in large datasets; predictive analytics, which uses statistical models to predict future outcomes; and segmentation, which involves dividing customers into groups based on shared characteristics. Additionally, data visualization tools can be used to create visual representations of data, such as charts and graphs, to make it easier to interpret and understand.



Monitor/measure customer “buzz” (IM:469)

Monitoring and measuring customer “buzz” is the process of tracking and analyzing customer conversations and feedback about a product or service. This can be done through various methods such as social media, online reviews, surveys, and focus groups. By monitoring customer “buzz”, companies can gain valuable insights into customer sentiment, preferences, and needs. This information can then be used to improve customer experience, develop better products and services, and increase customer loyalty.



Explain the use of descriptive statistics in marketing decision making (IM:191)

Descriptive statistics are used in marketing decision making to summarize and analyze data in order to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences. Descriptive statistics can be used to identify trends in customer data, such as the average purchase amount or the most popular product. This information can then be used to inform marketing decisions, such as which products to promote or which customer segments to target. Descriptive statistics can also be used to measure the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, such as the number of customers who responded to a particular promotion. By understanding customer behavior and preferences, marketers can make more informed decisions that will ultimately lead to better results.



Identify sources of error in a research project (e.g., response errors, interviewer errors, nonresponse errors, sample design) (IM:292)

Sources of error in a research project can include response errors, interviewer errors, nonresponse errors, and sample design. Response errors occur when the respondent provides inaccurate or incomplete information. Interviewer errors occur when the interviewer does not follow the protocol or does not ask the questions correctly. Nonresponse errors occur when the respondent does not respond to the survey or does not provide complete information. Sample design errors occur when the sample size is too small or the sample is not representative of the population.



Evaluate questionnaire design (e.g., types of questions, question wording, routing, sequencing,length, layout) (IM:293)

Questionnaire design is an important part of any survey or research project. It is important to consider the types of questions, question wording, routing, sequencing, length, and layout when designing a questionnaire. The types of questions should be appropriate for the research topic and should be clear and concise. The question wording should be easy to understand and should not be leading or biased. Routing should be used to ensure that respondents are asked the most relevant questions. Sequencing should be used to ensure that questions are asked in the most logical order. The length of the questionnaire should be appropriate for the research topic and should not be too long or too short. The layout should be clear and easy to read, and should be designed to ensure that respondents are not overwhelmed by the questionnaire.



Assess appropriateness of marketing research for the problem/issue (e.g., research methods,sources of information, timeliness of information, etc.) (IM:428)

Marketing research is an important tool for assessing the appropriateness of a problem or issue. It can provide valuable insights into customer needs and preferences, market trends, and competitive dynamics. By using a variety of research methods, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and secondary research, marketers can gain a better understanding of the problem or issue and develop an effective strategy for addressing it. Additionally, the timeliness of the information gathered through marketing research is critical, as it can help marketers make decisions quickly and accurately. Ultimately, marketing research can be a powerful tool for assessing the appropriateness of a problem or issue.

