Explain the nature of marketing management (PD:136)

Marketing management is the process of planning, organizing, and controlling the activities of a business in order to create and maintain a successful marketing strategy. It involves analyzing the market, understanding customer needs, developing a product or service to meet those needs, and then promoting and distributing the product or service. It also involves monitoring the effectiveness of the marketing strategy and making adjustments as needed. Marketing management is essential for any business to succeed in today's competitive market.

Professional Devel...


Explain career opportunities in marketing management (PD:133)

Marketing management is a broad field that offers a variety of career opportunities. Professionals in this field are responsible for developing and executing marketing strategies to promote products and services. They may work in a variety of industries, including advertising, public relations, digital media, and retail. They may also work in a corporate setting, managing the marketing efforts of a company. Career opportunities in marketing management include positions such as marketing director, brand manager, digital marketing manager, and market research analyst. These professionals are responsible for creating and executing marketing plans, analyzing customer data, and developing strategies to increase sales and brand awareness. They must have strong communication and organizational skills, as well as an understanding of the latest trends in the industry.

Professional Devel...


Determine the impact of product standards' issues associated with global business (PM:278)

Product standards' issues associated with global business can have a significant impact on the success of a business. Product standards refer to the quality, safety, and performance of a product, and when these standards are not met, it can lead to costly recalls, customer dissatisfaction, and even legal action. Global businesses must ensure that their products meet the standards of the countries they are selling in, as well as any international standards that may apply. Additionally, businesses must be aware of any changes in product standards that may occur over time, as this can have a major impact on their operations. By understanding the impact of product standards' issues associated with global business, businesses can ensure that their products are safe, of high quality, and compliant with all applicable standards.

Product/Service Ma...


Explain new product-development processes (PM:241)

Product-development processes are the steps taken to create a new product. These processes typically involve research, design, prototyping, testing, and production. Research is the first step in the process and involves gathering information about the market, customer needs, and the competition. Design is the next step and involves creating a product that meets customer needs and is competitively priced. Prototyping is the process of creating a physical model of the product to test its functionality. Testing is the process of evaluating the product to ensure it meets customer needs and is safe to use. Finally, production is the process of manufacturing the product and getting it ready for sale.

Product/Service Ma...


Assess product-packaging requirements (PM:213)

Product-packaging requirements refer to the specifications that must be met when designing and producing packaging for a product. This includes factors such as size, shape, material, labeling, and other design elements. Assessing product-packaging requirements involves evaluating the needs of the product and the customer, and then determining the best way to meet those needs. This assessment should consider factors such as cost, sustainability, and safety. Additionally, the assessment should consider the product's intended use and any applicable regulations.

Product/Service Ma...


Evaluate graphic design on packages (PM:236)

Graphic design on packages is an important factor in the success of a product. It can help to draw attention to the product, create a memorable brand identity, and communicate key information about the product. Evaluating graphic design on packages involves assessing the overall look and feel of the design, the effectiveness of the visuals in conveying the product's message, and the impact of the design on the customer's buying decision. It is important to consider how the design works with the product's packaging and how it stands out from competitors.

Product/Service Ma...


Evaluate adequacy of product packaging (PM:233)

Product packaging is an important factor in the success of a product. It is the first thing a customer sees when they come across a product, and it can influence their decision to purchase it. Evaluating the adequacy of product packaging involves assessing the design, materials, and overall presentation of the packaging. It is important to consider the product's target audience and the purpose of the packaging when evaluating its adequacy. Factors such as the size, shape, and color of the packaging should also be taken into account. Additionally, the packaging should be able to protect the product from damage during shipping and storage. Ultimately, the goal of evaluating the adequacy of product packaging is to ensure that it is attractive, functional, and able to effectively promote the product.

Product/Service Ma...


Develop positioning concept for a new product idea (PM:228)

Positioning is the process of creating an image or identity for a product in the minds of consumers. It involves creating a unique and differentiated message that sets the product apart from its competitors. For a new product idea, the positioning concept should focus on the unique features and benefits of the product, as well as how it meets the needs of the target market. The concept should also include a clear and concise message that resonates with the target audience and communicates the value of the product. Finally, the positioning concept should be used to create a consistent brand identity across all marketing channels.

Product/Service Ma...


Communicate core values of product/service (PM:214)

To effectively communicate the core values of a product or service, it's important to first identify and articulate those values. Once you have a clear understanding of what your product or service stands for, you can use various communication channels to get the message out to your target audience. This may include creating marketing materials that highlight your core values, such as taglines or slogans that convey your mission, vision, or unique selling proposition. It may also involve leveraging social media and other digital platforms to share stories and testimonials from customers who have experienced the benefits of your product or service firsthand. Ultimately, the key to effectively communicating your core values is to be consistent, transparent, and authentic in your messaging and actions, and to ensure that every interaction with your customers reinforces those values.

Product/Service Ma...


Identify product's/service's competitive advantage (PM:246)

A product or service's competitive advantage is the unique benefit it offers compared to its competitors. It is the feature or characteristic that sets it apart from the competition and makes it attractive to customers. Examples of competitive advantages include superior quality, lower prices, better customer service, faster delivery, and more features. Identifying a product or service's competitive advantage is essential for businesses to remain competitive in the market.

Product/Service Ma...


Collect product quality data to aid in making channel-management decisions (IM:485)

Collecting product quality data can help inform channel-management decisions. This data can be used to identify areas of improvement, assess customer satisfaction, and identify any potential risks associated with the product. By collecting and analyzing this data, businesses can make informed decisions about how to best manage their channels and ensure that their products are of the highest quality. This data can also be used to identify any potential issues that may arise in the future, allowing businesses to take proactive steps to address them.



Track channel management cost data (IM:470)

Track channel management cost data means that you should keep track of the costs associated with managing different channels. This could include costs associated with setting up and maintaining the channels, as well as any costs associated with marketing or advertising on the channels. Keeping track of these costs can help you understand how much you are spending on each channel and help you make decisions about which channels are most cost-effective for your business.



Obtain and track information about domestic and foreign suppliers/manufacturers (IM:380)

Obtaining and tracking information about domestic and foreign suppliers/manufacturers is an important part of supply chain management. This involves researching and collecting data on suppliers and manufacturers, such as their location, quality of products, delivery times, and pricing. This information can then be used to make informed decisions about which suppliers and manufacturers to use for a particular product or service. Additionally, tracking this information over time can help identify any changes in supplier performance, allowing for proactive management of the supply chain.



Display data in charts/graphs or in tables (IM:347)

Displaying data in charts or graphs is a great way to visualize information and make it easier to understand. Charts and graphs can be used to compare different sets of data, show trends over time, or illustrate relationships between different variables. Tables are also a useful way to display data, as they can be used to organize and compare different sets of information. Tables are especially useful when displaying large amounts of data, as they can be easily sorted and filtered to find specific information.



Provide sales analysis reports (IM:394)

Providing sales analysis reports involves collecting and analyzing data related to sales performance. This data can include sales figures, customer demographics, and other relevant information. The analysis of this data can help identify trends, opportunities, and areas for improvement. The reports can then be used to inform decisions about marketing, product development, and other areas of the business.



Prepare and use presentation software to support reports (IM:386)

Preparing and using presentation software to support reports is a way to make reports more engaging and visually appealing. Presentation software such as PowerPoint, Prezi, or Keynote can be used to create slides that include text, images, videos, and other media to help explain and illustrate the points in the report. Presentation software can also be used to create interactive elements such as polls, quizzes, and surveys to help engage the audience and make the report more memorable.



Prepare written reports for decision-making (IM:390)

Preparing written reports for decision-making is the process of gathering, analyzing, and presenting data in a written format to help inform decision-making. This process involves collecting data from various sources, analyzing the data to identify trends and patterns, and then presenting the data in a written report that can be used to make decisions. The report should include an executive summary, an analysis of the data, and recommendations for action. The report should also include any relevant background information, such as the purpose of the report, the scope of the analysis, and any assumptions made. The report should be written in a clear and concise manner, and should be tailored to the needs of the decision-maker.



Measure media audience (IM:374)

Measure media audience refers to the process of collecting data and analyzing it to determine the size and composition of an audience that is exposed to a particular media platform. This data can be used to assess the effectiveness of a media campaign and to inform future marketing strategies. It can also be used to identify target audiences and to measure the impact of a particular message or advertisement.



Leverage data to recommend personalized, relevant campaigns (IM:472)

Leveraging data to recommend personalized, relevant campaigns means using data to create campaigns that are tailored to the individual needs of customers. This could include analyzing customer data to determine what types of campaigns would be most effective for a particular customer, or using predictive analytics to identify potential customers who would be most likely to respond to a particular campaign. By leveraging data to create personalized, relevant campaigns, businesses can ensure that their marketing efforts are more effective and efficient.



Leverage data to support real-time customization of customer interactions (IM:473)

Leveraging data to support real-time customization of customer interactions means using data to customize customer interactions in the moment. This could include using customer data to personalize messages, tailor offers, or provide more relevant content. By leveraging data, businesses can create more meaningful customer experiences and increase customer engagement.



Explain the importance of company involvement in community activities (PR:315)

Company involvement in community activities is important for a variety of reasons. It helps to build a positive reputation for the company, as well as to create a sense of goodwill among the local community. It also helps to create a sense of pride among employees, as they can see that their company is making a positive impact on the community. Additionally, it can help to attract new customers and employees, as people are more likely to support a company that is actively involved in the community. Finally, it can help to create a sense of unity among the local community, as people come together to support a common cause.



Propose community issues for company involvement (PR:347)

Company involvement in community issues is a great way to demonstrate corporate social responsibility and build relationships with local stakeholders. Companies can choose to get involved in a variety of issues, such as poverty, homelessness, education, health care, environmental protection, and economic development. Companies can also provide support to local charities, volunteer their time and resources, and advocate for policy changes. By engaging in these activities, companies can help to create positive change in their communities and build a positive reputation.



Participate in community outreach activities (PR:341)

Community outreach activities are activities that involve members of a community coming together to help each other and the community as a whole. Examples of community outreach activities include volunteering at a local food bank, organizing a neighborhood clean-up day, or helping to build a playground in a low-income area. Participating in community outreach activities is a great way to give back to the community and make a positive impact.



Create written briefs for outside agencies/consultants (PR:271)

A written brief for an outside agency/consultant is a document that outlines the scope of a project and the expectations of the client. It should include a description of the project, the desired outcomes, the timeline, the budget, and any other relevant information. The brief should also include contact information for the client and the agency/consultant. The purpose of the brief is to ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of the project and the expectations of each other.



Identify ways to track marketing-communications activities (PR:335)

Tracking marketing-communications activities is an important part of any successful marketing strategy. There are several ways to track these activities, including using analytics tools, tracking customer feedback, and monitoring social media. Analytics tools can provide detailed insights into how customers interact with your marketing campaigns, allowing you to make adjustments as needed. Tracking customer feedback can help you understand how customers perceive your brand and what they think of your marketing efforts. Finally, monitoring social media can help you understand how your campaigns are being received by the public and can help you identify areas for improvement.



Assess the impact of technology on marketing research (NF:095)

Technology has had a significant impact on marketing research. Technology has enabled marketers to collect and analyze data more quickly and accurately than ever before. This has allowed marketers to gain insights into consumer behavior and preferences that were previously impossible to obtain. Technology has also enabled marketers to reach a wider audience and to target their marketing efforts more effectively. Additionally, technology has allowed marketers to automate many of their marketing processes, making them more efficient and cost-effective. All of these advances have allowed marketers to better understand their customers and to create more effective marketing strategies.

Information Manage...


Identify emerging customer trends through social networking (NF:213)

Emerging customer trends can be identified through social networking by monitoring conversations and interactions between customers and brands. By tracking customer feedback, companies can gain insights into what customers are looking for and what they are interested in. This can help companies to better understand customer needs and preferences, and to develop products and services that meet those needs. Additionally, companies can use social networking to identify emerging trends in customer behavior, such as changes in buying habits or preferences. By understanding these trends, companies can better anticipate customer needs and develop strategies to meet those needs.

Information Manage...


Explain security considerations in marketing research (OP:174)

Security considerations in marketing research are important to ensure the safety and privacy of the data collected. This includes protecting the data from unauthorized access, ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the data, and preventing any malicious activities. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the data collected is used only for the intended purpose and is not shared with any third parties without the consent of the research participants. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the data is stored securely and that any data that is shared is done so in a secure manner. Finally, it is important to ensure that the data collected is not used for any other purpose than the intended one.



Identify career opportunities in marketing research (PD:140)

Marketing research is an important field that helps companies understand their customers and the market. Career opportunities in marketing research include market research analysts, market research consultants, and market research directors. Market research analysts collect and analyze data to help companies understand their customers and the market. Market research consultants provide advice and guidance to companies on how to best use the data they have collected. Market research directors are responsible for overseeing the entire research process, from data collection to analysis and reporting. All of these positions require strong analytical and communication skills, as well as an understanding of the marketing research process.

Professional Devel...


Explain the role and responsibilities of marketing researchers (PD:139)

Marketing researchers are responsible for gathering and analyzing data to help inform marketing decisions. They use a variety of methods, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and market analysis, to collect data about customer needs, preferences, and behaviors. They then analyze the data to identify trends and insights that can be used to inform marketing strategies. Additionally, marketing researchers may be responsible for developing and testing new products and services, as well as conducting market research to assess the potential success of a product or service. Ultimately, the goal of marketing researchers is to provide valuable insights that can help businesses make informed decisions about their marketing efforts.

Professional Devel...


Determine professional certification requirements in marketing research (PD:129)

Professional certification requirements in marketing research vary depending on the organization offering the certification. Generally, applicants must have a certain amount of experience in the field, such as a minimum number of years of experience or a certain number of hours of research-related work. They may also need to pass an exam or demonstrate their knowledge of marketing research principles and techniques. Additionally, some certifications may require applicants to have a degree in marketing or a related field.

Professional Devel...


Assess the services of professional organizations in marketing research (PD:143)

Professional organizations can be a great resource for marketing research. They provide access to industry experts, data, and resources that can help inform marketing decisions. Professional organizations can also provide valuable insights into trends and best practices in the industry, as well as provide access to industry-specific research and analysis. Additionally, professional organizations can help connect marketers with potential customers and partners, and provide networking opportunities. All of these services can be invaluable in helping marketers make informed decisions about their marketing strategies.

Professional Devel...


Obtain information from customer databases (IM:381)

Obtaining information from customer databases is the process of collecting data from customer databases in order to gain insights into customer behavior and preferences. This data can be used to inform marketing strategies, improve customer service, and develop new products and services. It can also be used to identify trends and opportunities in the marketplace. By obtaining information from customer databases, businesses can gain a better understanding of their customers and make more informed decisions.



Maintain information on marketing partners' activities (e.g., vendors, others in supply/distributionchannels) (IM:432)

Maintaining information on marketing partners' activities is important for businesses to ensure that their supply and distribution channels are running smoothly. This includes tracking vendors, suppliers, and other partners in the supply chain. This information can help businesses identify any potential issues or areas of improvement, as well as ensure that their partners are meeting their contractual obligations. Additionally, this information can be used to analyze trends and develop strategies to maximize efficiency and profitability.



Identify challenges with the use of unstructured data (IM:474)

Unstructured data is data that is not organized in a pre-defined manner and does not have a specific structure. This type of data can be difficult to work with because it is not organized in a way that can be easily analyzed or interpreted. Additionally, unstructured data can be difficult to store and manage due to its lack of structure. This can lead to challenges in terms of data security, as unstructured data is more vulnerable to malicious attacks. Furthermore, unstructured data can be difficult to search and retrieve, as it is not organized in a way that allows for efficient searching. Finally, unstructured data can be difficult to integrate with other data sources, as it is not organized in a way that allows for easy integration.



Obtain marketing information from online sources (e.g., search engines, online databases, blogs,forums, listserves, web analytics, social media, geolocation services, etc.) (IM:382)

Obtaining marketing information from online sources is an important part of any successful marketing strategy. Online sources such as search engines, online databases, blogs, forums, listserves, web analytics, social media, geolocation services, and more can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and competitive analysis. By leveraging these online sources, marketers can gain a better understanding of their target audience, identify potential opportunities, and develop effective strategies to reach their goals. Additionally, online sources can provide valuable data that can be used to measure the success of marketing campaigns and optimize future efforts.



Conduct sentiment analysis (IM:433)

Conducting sentiment analysis involves using natural language processing and machine learning techniques to identify and extract subjective information from text. This type of analysis can be used to identify the sentiment of a text, such as whether it is positive, negative, or neutral. It can also be used to identify the sentiment of a particular topic or keyword within a text. Sentiment analysis can be used to gain insights into customer opinions, product reviews, and other types of text data.



Obtain marketing information from publications (e.g., newspapers; magazines--current trends,regulations, consumer issues) (IM:434)

Obtaining marketing information from publications such as newspapers and magazines can be a great way to stay up to date on current trends, regulations, and consumer issues. By reading these publications, you can gain insight into what is happening in the marketing world and how it may affect your business. Additionally, you can use this information to develop strategies for reaching your target audience and staying ahead of the competition.



Collect product quality data (e.g., customer complaints, returns, quality control) (IM:311)

Collecting product quality data is an important part of ensuring that a product meets customer expectations. This data can include customer complaints, returns, and quality control results. Customer complaints provide insight into what customers are unhappy with and can help identify areas of improvement. Returns provide a tangible measure of customer dissatisfaction and can help identify issues with the product. Quality control results provide an objective measure of the product's quality and can help identify areas of improvement. Collecting this data can help ensure that products meet customer expectations and can help identify areas of improvement.



Data mine clickstream data using web analytics for marketing information (IM:333)

Data mining clickstream data using web analytics for marketing information involves analyzing the data collected from users as they interact with a website. This data can be used to gain insights into user behavior, such as which pages they visit, how long they stay on each page, and what actions they take. This information can then be used to inform marketing decisions, such as which content to promote, which products to feature, and which campaigns to launch. By understanding user behavior, marketers can create more effective campaigns and better target their audiences.



Track environmental changes that impact a business (e.g., technological changes, consumer trends,economic changes, regulatory changes, etc.) (IM:409)

Tracking environmental changes that impact a business is an important part of staying competitive and successful. Environmental changes can include technological changes, consumer trends, economic changes, and regulatory changes. By tracking these changes, businesses can identify potential opportunities and threats, and adjust their strategies accordingly. For example, if a business notices a shift in consumer trends, they can adjust their marketing strategy to better target their customers. Similarly, if a business notices a change in regulations, they can adjust their operations to ensure they remain compliant. By tracking environmental changes, businesses can stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive.



Monitor and mine sales data (by volume, product, territory, channel, time period, etc.) (IM:379)

Monitoring and mining sales data involves collecting and analyzing data related to sales volume, product, territory, channel, and time period. This data can be used to identify trends, identify opportunities for improvement, and make informed decisions about sales strategies. By monitoring and mining sales data, businesses can gain insights into customer behavior, identify areas of growth, and optimize their sales strategies.



Identify transactional data through electronic means (e.g., bar coding, optical scanners, automaticreplenishment systems, electronic data interchange [EDI], and reader-sorters) (IM:368)

Transactional data is information that is collected and stored when a transaction takes place. Electronic means of identifying transactional data include bar coding, optical scanners, automatic replenishment systems, electronic data interchange (EDI), and reader-sorters. Bar coding is a system of encoding information into a series of black and white bars and stripes that can be read by a scanner. Optical scanners use light to read information from a printed document or barcode. Automatic replenishment systems are used to automatically order and replenish inventory when it reaches a certain level. EDI is a system of exchanging business documents between two or more organizations electronically. Reader-sorters are machines that read and sort documents according to predetermined criteria.



Monitor competitors' activities (IM:435)

Monitoring competitors' activities is the process of keeping track of what your competitors are doing in the market. This includes tracking their product offerings, pricing, marketing strategies, customer service, and other activities. By monitoring competitors' activities, businesses can gain insights into their own strategies and adjust accordingly to stay competitive.



Develop insights using trends occurring in other industries (IM:475)

Developing insights using trends occurring in other industries means looking at what is happening in other industries and using that information to inform decisions in your own industry. This could include looking at what strategies other industries are using to be successful, what products or services are popular, and what trends are emerging. By understanding what is happening in other industries, you can gain valuable insights that can help you make better decisions for your own industry.



Measure market size and composition (IM:373)

Measure market size and composition is a process of analyzing the size and composition of a market in order to better understand the potential of a product or service. This process involves collecting data on the number of potential customers, the types of customers, and the types of products or services they are interested in. This data can then be used to determine the size of the market, the composition of the market, and the potential for growth. This process can help businesses make informed decisions about their product or service offerings and can help them identify new opportunities.



Explain the nature of actionable research (IM:359)

Actionable research is a type of research that is designed to provide information that can be used to make decisions and take action. It is focused on providing data that can be used to inform decisions and create strategies. Actionable research is often used in business and marketing to identify customer needs, develop new products and services, and understand customer behavior. It is also used in public policy to understand the impact of policies and programs. Actionable research is often conducted through surveys, interviews, focus groups, and other qualitative and quantitative methods.



Compare business objectives with the expected use of the marketing-research outcomes (IM:312)

Business objectives are the goals that a business sets out to achieve, such as increasing sales, expanding into new markets, or improving customer service. The expected use of the marketing-research outcomes is to provide the business with the data and insights needed to make informed decisions that will help them reach their objectives. The marketing-research outcomes can be used to identify customer needs, understand customer preferences, and develop effective marketing strategies. By understanding the customer and their needs, businesses can create products and services that meet those needs and ultimately help them reach their objectives.



Explain the nature of the sampling design process (IM:436)

The sampling design process is a method of selecting a sample from a population for the purpose of conducting research. It involves determining the size of the sample, the sampling method, and the sampling frame. The size of the sample is determined by the researcher's objectives and the population size. The sampling method is the technique used to select the sample from the population, such as random sampling, stratified sampling, or systematic sampling. The sampling frame is the list of elements from which the sample is drawn. The sampling design process is an important step in research as it ensures that the sample is representative of the population and that the results of the research are valid.



Explain the nature of sample sources (e.g., MR sampling companies, general list brokers, customerlists) (IM:478)

Sample sources refer to the companies or organizations that provide access to data for market research purposes. MR sampling companies are specialized companies that provide access to a variety of data sources, such as survey respondents, focus groups, and other types of research participants. General list brokers are companies that provide access to large databases of consumer information, such as demographic data, purchase histories, and other types of consumer data. Customerlists are lists of customers that have already purchased a product or service from a company, which can be used to target potential customers with similar interests.

